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Okay! I get it... you thought $47 was a little too high. So let's take this deal from 'good' to INCREDIBLE.
Here's what I'm going to do for you now…

I’m going to knock off another $27.05 from the already insanely discounted price…
Have The Entire Supercharge Your Health Program For ONLY $19.95 if you choose to grab this one time only offer right now.

Last Chance 86% Discount!
(Once you leave this page, you will never see this opportunity again. This Supercharge Your Health special is not available on any other page)

But to be fair to other members who just joined at the full price, I've had to remove one of the bonuses.

So that means you’ll STILL get the 2 main tracks AND ebook of the “Supercharge Your Health” program for just $19.95 …

… But only if you act right now.

Here’s exactly what you get when you add “Supercharge Your Health” to your order today…

Supercharge Your Health features three life-changing audio tracks that contain guided meditation content - and all you have to do is listen to each one for two weeks.

These self-hypnosis tracks are a great way to tune into your body’s inner workings and understand what it truly needs.

Cultivating this deep awareness is the key feeling happier and experiencing a calm sense of inner peace throughout your body…

Better yet, this system also includes TWO Ebooks that will give you an “instant nutritional makeover.”

Not only does this strengthen your immune system, but it also helps reduce your risk of modern lifestyle illnesses related to heart disease, diabetes, and much more.

Plus, this system is also designed to enhance brain health. This leads to mental clarity AND increased cognitive performance, making you sharper and more focused throughout the day.

All of this adds up to a holistic, top-to-bottom upgrade - physically AND mentally.

Remember, you’ve only got one body (and brain), so taking care of your health is CRITICAL!

Get ready to experience an amazing world of benefits with this life-enhancing content:

Body Sensing Guided Meditation

This guided meditation audio track gives you an insightful look into the inner workings of your body.

Think of this as opening a hidden window for your mind’s eye so that you can understand and appreciate your body on a whole new level.

With this track, you’ll learn how to quickly identify sensations related to the state of your health, innermost thoughts, and emotional well-being.

The better you’re tuned in to your body’s signals, the better you can respond to them.

As a result, you can trigger your relaxation response on command - and feel happier, calmer in the process.

What’s more, research shows that mastering the art of body sensing can form new mental pathways in the brain and strengthen its connection with the rest of your body.

This is a powerful way to prevent stress-related complications, such as high blood pressure, high anxiety levels, and low energy!

Perfectly Balanced Life Self-Hypnosis

With so much going on in our busy lives, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and emotionally flooded.

This can throw off the natural balance in your life and affect your work, relationships, and overall happiness.

That’s why it’s crucial to slow down your thoughts and give your mind a chance to relax.

When you create that space in your mind for positive, pleasant thoughts, it can restore your inner balance and make you feel whole once again.

With this track, you can train your mind to slow down and stay in the present moment. This helps you be more productive and handle life’s daily challenges better.

That way, you have the POWER to create positive circumstances and restore the balance in your life!

Superior Immune System Hypnosis

As the pressure of daily stress builds up, so do the health risks. Studies show that the ability to cope with stressors allows us to live a longer, healthier life.

For instance, researchers from the University of Miami found people who regularly practice stress management have better endocrine-immune functions.

As such, they rarely get sick and have a better defense against major life-threatening illnesses.

And other studies across the U.S. show that people who do guided meditation can activate genes in their body which help with healing.

That gives them the ability to fight cell-damaging effects of stress, reduce inflammation and boost mental health.

Using this guided meditation audio, you too can activate your healing superpowers.

For just minutes a day, you can instantly reduce your stress levels and give your immune system a much-needed break.

This gives your body a chance to recover and repair itself. This is the key to healthier aging AND living longer!

Top 77 Superfoods for Healing

You are going to absolutely love this next component.

Here are the essential foods you need to build bulletproof immunity and add decades to your life.

We’ve rounded up the best fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds that have been scientifically proven to reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and other modern lifestyle diseases.

Not only are these superfoods nutrient-dense, but they’re also your best weapon in the fight against processed foods that surround us at every turn.

This information-packed book is your best guide to naturally healing your body from within and living a healthier, disease-free life!

Supercharge Your Health is the quickest way to build a better lifestyle by supporting your, mental, emotional, and nutritional needs.

With this all-in-one system, you’ll get on the fast track to feeling healthier, happier, and more energetic than you’ve ever been. We’ve packed enough value-added to content to protect every aspect of your well-being!

And of course, you are completely protected by my 30 days, no questions asked money-back guarantee at all times.

If you don’t like any of the content for any reason, just send me an email and you’ll immediately get a 100% refund – and you can still keep the content anyway.

So there’s literally no way you can lose with this.
Perfectly Balanced Life Self-Hypnosis Track
Body Sensing Guided Meditation Self-Hypnosis Track
Superior Immune System Self-Hypnosis Track
Top 77 Superfoods for Healing Ebook
If you add up the value of all these juicy goodies, it comes to $199.00!

But for this one time only, as my way of saying ‘Thank you!’

...you can get the "Supercharge Your Health Program" one-time only, absolutely crazily discounted price of just $119.95 $47 $19.95!
My Big Offer To You Only For Today…
YES Steve! I definitely want to take advantage of this one time only HUGE discount offer. Please add the above program to my order for a one time only payment of just $19.95.
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